
Elisabeth Ancher Elboth Senior Designer & Key Account Manager, TRY Dig


Elboth is a multidisciplinary designer at TRY Dig, with expertise in business and service design. She is skilled in all parts of an iterative design process - from creating understanding and empathy for the user, to idea generation and conceptualization, to prototyping and user testing. Elboth believes that the key to exceptional customer experiences lies in understanding the customer journey, and she readily uses a variety of design methods to map this out. 

Elboth often works at the intersection of design and strategy. She is passionate about designing services and products for: people, the planet and profit. She believes that a combined design and business perspective provides a better understanding of the problem. This ultimately leads to better solutions for all stakeholders - business as well as users. Elboth often facilitates strategy processes, where she spices up the processes with design methodology.

Over the years, Elboth has worked with a wide range of clients across various industries. She has assisted organizations including DNB, the Norwegian Armed Forces, Norway’s Best, the Bergen Aquarium, and Kode Bergen.